Monday, March 2, 2015
The Juiciest Learning Professionals on Twitter
- ZaidLearns Twitter
In the coming months, I believe Malaysia and Asia will be hit by the Twitter mania, and I expect one question to be popping up again and again: "Do you have a list of the top learning professionals around the world on Twitter, which we can follow?".
The list below, is not ranking, but just numbering to keep track of how many I have identified. Though, I have deliberately added some of the super learning professionals in the first 20 to excite those reading it. This is by no means a static list, and I will update it from time to time. The main reason for assembling this list, is to help people looking for top learning professionals on Twitter. Though, if you are not using Twitter, you can always subscribe to the learning professionals tweets through RSS. Finally, when you visit a learning professionals Twitter page, you will also find there their blog or site (if any).
In short, this list assembled here is to quicken your access to some of the juiciest learning professionals around. Here we go:
The list below, is not ranking, but just numbering to keep track of how many I have identified. Though, I have deliberately added some of the super learning professionals in the first 20 to excite those reading it. This is by no means a static list, and I will update it from time to time. The main reason for assembling this list, is to help people looking for top learning professionals on Twitter. Though, if you are not using Twitter, you can always subscribe to the learning professionals tweets through RSS. Finally, when you visit a learning professionals Twitter page, you will also find there their blog or site (if any).
In short, this list assembled here is to quicken your access to some of the juiciest learning professionals around. Here we go:
- George Siemens (gsiemens)
elearnspace author and consultant, Canada - Jane Hart (c4lpt and c4lptnews)
Social Media & Learning Consultant and founder of the Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies (including the one and only Janes E-Learning Pick of the Day). - Stephen Downes (downes)
OLDaily author, researcher, speaker - Clive Shepherd (cliveshepherd)
Consultant specialising in workplace e-learning - Tony Karrer (tkarrer)
CEO of TechEmpower - Elliott Masie (emasie)
Is an internationally recognized learning futurist, analyst, researcher and organizer on the critical topics of workforce learning, business collaboration and emerging technologies. - Will Richardson (willrich45)
weblogg-ed - Will Thalheimer (willworklearn)
Research-based Learning Insights - Wesley Fryer (wfryer)
Moving at the Speed of Creativity, author - Jay Cross (jaycross)
Business consultant, author, expert on informal learning - Cathy Moore (CatMoore)
On a mission to save the world from boring corporate e-learning. - Jeff Cobb (jtcobb)
Mission to Learn blog author and consultant - Julie Lindsay (julielindsay)
Head of Information Technology and E-Learning, Qatar Academy, Doha and co-founder of Flat Classroom project - Karl Kapp (kkapp)
Professor, Instructional Technology/Author, Bloomsburg University, Bloomsburg, PA - Alan Levine (cogdog)
Instructional Technologist - Judy OConnell (heyjudeonline)
Writing, speaking and consulting on school technology and library issues - Jane Bozarth (JaneBozarth)
E-Learning Coordinator, Author - Michele Martin (michelemartin)
Web 2.0 for career and professional development, author of the Bamboo Project blog - Janet Clarey (jclarey)
Researcher in the learning technology space, Brandon Hall - John Connell (JConnell)
Education Strategist - Cisco - Emerging Markets - Ewan Macintosh (ewanmacintosh)
New media, learning and the future - Vicki Davis (coolcatteacher)
Teacher, blogger, technology geek - RobinGood (RobinGood)
Hand-picked news, tools and resources for professional web publishers - David Warlick (dwarlick)
30+ year educator, technologist, programmer, author, & public speaker - Rozhan Idrus (profrozhan)
Professor of ODL and Technogogy - Zoraini Wati Abas (zoraini)
A learning technologist at an open university in Kuala Lumpur, experimenting with emerging technologies - Learning 2.0. - Allison Kipta (akipta)
Educational technology, elearning, Web 2.0 - Andrew McAfee (amcafee)
Enterprise 2.0 specialist, Harvard Business School - Bill Brandon (billbrandon)
Editor eLearning Guilds Learning Solutions magazine - B J Schone (bjschone)
Learning Designer from San Diego - Brian Lamb (@brlamb) - Emerging Technologies Discoordinator, Office of Learning Technology, The University of British Columbia
- Brent Schlenker (bschlenker)
Corporate eLearning Consultant - Chris Brogan (chrisbrogan)
Social media expert - Chris Penny (chrispenny)
Educational Technology Professor and Apple Distinguished Educator, Pennsylvania - Clara McCallum (clara_mac)
Learning Officer for BBC Scotland Learning - Craig Nansen (cnansen)
District technology coordinator, Apple Distinguished Educator. STAR Discovery Educator. - Collin Kromke (collin_k )
Blogger, elearning, Web 2.0, Learning 2.0 - Doug Belshaw (dajbelshaw)
E-Learning Staff Tutor and History Teacher - Dave Cormier (davecormier)
Works at edtechtalk, educationbridges and UPEI - Dolores Reig Hernandez (dreig)
T consultant, comunidades, communities, web design, web 2.0, web3.0, web 3.0, e-learning - Gavin Dudeney (dudeneyge)
Educational Technologist, Barcelona Spain - Lee Graham (elearning30)
Edutainment, Collaboration & Social Learning = Future of eLearning - Paul Stewart (elearningnews)
eLearning Officer for the Catholic Education Department, Australia - Lucy Gray (elemenous)
Technology coach and consultant, Apple Distinguished Educator, Google Certified Teacher - Elizabeth (Beth) Holmes (ElizabethHolmes)
Education Specialist for 21st Century Teaching and Learning, ENTJ - Luis Suarez (elsua)
Social Computing Evangelist - Grainne Conole (gconole )
E-Learning Researcher, OU - Gabriela Grosseck (ggrosseck)
Lecturer at West University of Timisoara Romania. - Graham Attwell (GrahamAttwell)
Founder of Pontydysgu and Director of Research - Gary Woodill (gwoodill )
Director, Research & Analysis, Brandon Hall - Harold Jarche (hjarche)
Learning 20 Consultant from Canada - Satish Talim (IndianGuru)
Teacher, Educator, Author, Speaker for Ruby programming at RubyLearning - Jeffrey Keefer (JeffreyKeefer)
Reflective practice in organizational learning, educational technology, and postmodern society - Judi Epcke (jepcke)
Educator 2.0. from Classroom teacher to Technology Director to Technology Integration Specialist - Jerome Hidalgo (JeromeHidalgo)
Concepteur Pédagogique Multimédia (e-Learning Designer) Lyon, France - Joachim Niemeier (JoachimNiemeier)
Enterprise 2.0 specialist, University of Stuttgart - Joan Vinall Cox (JoanVinallCox)
Social Media and Learning Consultant, Canada - Jeff Utecht (jutecht)
Technology Specialist, Shanghai - Kevin Jarrett (kjarrett)
K-4 Technology Facilitator/Computer Lab Teacher - Lars Hyland (larshyland)
Specialist in workplace learning technology and e-learning. Interested in memory and learning research. - Liz Davis (lizbdavies)
Educator who strongly believes in the power of technology - Malinka Ivanova (malinkaiva)
Lecturer, Technical University of Sofia - Scott McLeod (mcleod)
Director, CASTLE - Miguel Guhlin (mguhlin)
Director of Instructional Technology for a large urban district in Texas - Michelle Dodd (michelledodd)
Passionate about using games and technology to reengage, develop literacies and make learning fun! - Chris Morgan (morgsman)
Learning and Development enthusiast, practitioner and thought leader, Romsey Hampshire - Mark Prasatik (mprasatik)
Consultant, Learning Strategist, Training Director using informal learning and enterprise 2.0 technology to get better results - Mike Wesch (mwesch)
Social Anthropologist, University of Kansas - Nellie Deutsch (nelliemuller)
Educator specializing in leadership, curriculum, and instruction, social networking, and blended learning - David Wiley (opencontent)
Associate Professor of Instructional Psychology and Technology at Brigham Young University - Paula White (paulawhite)
STAR Discovery Educator, Apple Distinguished Educator - Patricia Donaghy (pdonaghy)
ICT Teacher, Dublin, Ireland - Garr Reynolds (presentationzen)
Presentation design guru - Tony Hirst (psychemedia)
Open University, UK - Chris Smith (shamblesguru)
ICT/Edu Consultant & Digital Nomad, Asia - Dean Shareski (shareski)
Digital Learning Consultant in Moose Jaw, SK, Canada. - Shiv Rajendran (shiv53)
Director of - teaching languages in Second Life since 2005 - Todd Gilmore (ToddGilmore)
Entrepreneur, Innovation Consultant - Jeff OHara (zemote)
Co-founder of edmodo - Stian Håklev (houshuang)
MA in Higher Ed, OISE/UofT, Toronto. Open access, open learning, peer2peer learning. - Martin Ebner (mebner)
Researcher: e-Learning, m-Learning and technology enhanced learning - Ismael Peña-López (ictlogist)
Researcher, lecturer, speaker on the Information Society, ICT4D and the Digital Divide. - Susan Sedro (ssedro)
Just another EdTech Geek Girl in the tropics - Sue Waters (suewaters)
Helping others with education, elearning & blogging. - Cindy Huggett (cindyhugg)
Training and Performance Consultant; Chair of ASTD National Advisors for Chapters (NAC); CPLP; passionate about leadership, learning, and training trainers - Lynn Marentette (lynnmarentette)
School psychologist,consultant, grad student - Tracy Hamilton (hamtra)
Trying to learn at least one new thing each day - Marcia Conner (marciamarcia)
Strategist, Writer, Learner and Educator - Cammy Bean (cammybean)
eLearning Instructional Designer - Ray Schroeder (rayschroeder)
UIS Prof Emeritus/Director of Office of Technology Enhanced Learning and Center for Online Learning Research and Service - Chris Betcher (betchaboy)
Education, technology and ideas - Elaine Talbert (etalbert)
Secondary languages teacher, principal, now in IT web filter manager - Dean Groom (deangroom)
Head EdTecDev @ Macquarie Uni, Sydney, Author, Blogger, Geek, Air-Head - John Larkin (john_larkin)
Teaching history, teaching technology, teaching teachers here, there, everywhere... - Tomaz Lasic (lasic)
Teacher, ed-tech t(h)inker, and Moodle fan - Julian Ridden (moodleman)
Moodle evangalist, ICT integrator, trainer and presenter all in a single package! - Allisun eLearns (allisunelearns)eLearning and Moodle enthusiast; aspiring instructional designer; M.S. Ed in Online Teaching and Learning student.
- Maryna Badenhorst (marynabadenhors)
Teaching and Learning Coach - Ranelle Maltas (ranellem)
Technology trainer and support for the faculty/staff of UNL - Greg - elearning (Dr_elearning)
Working on creating engaging interactive e-learning modules - Britt Watwood (bwatwood)
Online Learning Specialist at Virginia Commonwealth University - Mark Drapeau (cheeky_geeky)
Biological scientist working on defense policy and researching
social tools for government use - Chris Pirillo (chrispirillo)
A media-friendly geek who produces content and catalyzes communities. Tech Expert for - John Pederson (ijohnpedersen)
Building the educational network around the network - Ian Usher (iusher)
BucksCCs E-Learning Co-ordinator, moodle, Adobe Education Leader - Jennifer Maddrell (JenM)
EdTech Weekly presenter - Judy Brown (judyb)
Mobile Learning Consultant - Karl Fisch (karlfisch)
Educator and author of The Fischbowl blog - Lee Lefever (leelefever)
CommonCraft video producer - Michelle Gallen (michellegallen)
Ireland-based e-learning consultant and instructional designer - Aaron Silvers (mrch0mp3rs)
On the SCORM Technical Working Group and LETSI, Learning Consultant - Kim Cofino (mscofino)
21st Century Literacy Specialist at the International School Bangkok, Thailand - Martin Weller (mweller)
Professor of Educational Technology at the OU - Steve Hargadon (stevehargadon)
Educational Technologist - Theo Kuechel (theokk)
Technologies for Learning, Archives - Collections, Open Educational Resources, Music and other social activities.... - Graeme Boxwell (LearningTech1)
Learning Technologist at the City of Sunderland College - Neil Lasher (Neillasher)
e-Learning development specialist and Instructional Design coach - Josh Bersin (Josh_Bersin)
Corporate Talent, HR, and Learning Analyst and CEO of research and advisory services firm Bersin & Associates. - Olavur Ellefsen (olavur)
Founder of Simprentis - developer of learning simulations and provider of team-based education and training to oil and gas - Ray Jimenez (RayJimenez)
CEO of Vignettes for Training, Inc. author 3-Minute e-Learning and Scenario-based Learning - Edrie Greer (explorelearn)
Learning/performance consultant, explorer, devils advocate, media developer, nature lover, eclectically curious gal. Proud owner of 2 Belgian Tervurens - Yuri Quintana (yuriquintana)
e-health, e-learning, innovation, web 2.0, Internet social networks, global causes, global health - RJ Jacquez (rjacquez)
Adobe Evangelist for eLearning and Technical Communication. All about Innovative Technologies, Social Media Adobe in general, Family and Helping others - Jay Lambert (LambertJay)
CEO, Integrated Learning Services (e-learning) - Manish Mohan (manishmo)
Collaborative and Informal Learning, Management, Performance enhancement, Entrepreneurship, Technology, Amateur photography - Hall Davidson (HallDavidson)
Blogs, speaks, works with teacher network for Discovery (the Discovery Educator Network. Hopeless ed tech geek since 73.
Here are other interesting lists of learning professionals on Twitter (as I discover):
- Workplace Learning Professionals on Twitter
- Indian Learning Professionals on Twitter
- Top … ELT (English Language Teachers) To Follow On Twitter
Finally, if you think you are a super learning professional and believe you should be on this list, please comment or shoot me an e-mail. The list can always grow (or shrink) :)
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