Saturday, February 28, 2015

The winners for my 300 follower giveaway are Brandi at Success in Second Grade and Lori at Teaching with Love and Laughter! Lori is one luck lady... shes actually won two of my giveaways in a row! AND... she just reached 500 followers so shes having a giveaway of her own right now! Congrats Lori! And both Bradi and Lori have awesome blogs, so you should check them both out!Thank...
Mango Free Language Learning!

Link to Mango LanguagesMANGO? It claims to be the first FREE enterprise language learning course available on the Internet. Eleven of their courses are now available in their beta release (I suppose you will experience some bugs): Spanish, Russian, French, Italian, Mandarin Chinese, German, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Greek, English for Spanish Speakers and English for Polish Spearkers.Each course...
Cloud Types Interactive E Books and Games for Smartboard Freebie and a Bundle!

I have been working on updating these books for quite sometime before I posted them... and Im finally done! First things first, let me start with the freebie: the Introduction to Clouds E-Book. This Smart Notebook file introduces the three main cloud types (cirrus, cumulus, and stratus) and has some really fun interactive components in it! I used this book at the beginning of...
ICE Breakers A Fish That Barks and The Moonwalking Bear!
When the cat reaches the fishbowl, then pause the video and ask your Students/Participants (S/P) to figure out what happens next. Most likely you will get S/Ps attention, and stimulate their minds to think creatively about what happens next in a competitive but enjoyable way. If you break S/P up into groups, and then give each group say 2 minutes to come up with their answer, you will get collaborative...
Friday, February 27, 2015
Introduction to Critical Thinking 100 000 Views on SlideShare!
IMAGINATIVE SUCCESS! WOW! I never thought that my Introduction to Critical Thinking presentation would be viewed more than a 100,000 times on SlideShare (or would be my first SlideShare presentation to reach that feat!). It took four years, but so what! In Justin Beaber and Lady Gaga viewing terms that is probably achieved every second, so I am not going to use that as a measuring stick.However,...
Learning in 3D! Why How
“Content is King, but Context is the Kingdom.”- Tony O’DriscollWHY ME? Thanks Karl Kapp and Tony O’Driscoll for inviting me to participate in a Blog Book Tour to discuss their new book "Learning in 3D: Adding a New Dimension to Enterprise Learning and Collaboration" and be part of a global discussion regarding learning in virtual worlds and 3D learning spaces (Facebook Group). How could I say no!...
Top 100 Tools For Learning

Top 100 Tools: 10 Favourite Tools: Top 10 Tools: Learning Toolbox: (PDF): TOP 100 list has been compiled from the TOP 10 FAVOURITE TOOLS...
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Mediasite com Linking you to a World of Expertise

Link to MediasiteMEDIASITE?Mediasite is a tool (by Sonic Foundry) for recording and storing rich-media classroom and conference presentations ...moreMEDIASITE.COM? (beta) is a rich media search engine that automatically indexes publicly-available webcasts recorded with Mediasite. It provides you with a directory of presentations created by hundreds of experts around the globe. It is about...
Peters Online Typing Course Extremely Useful!

Link to Typing CourseAuthor- Peter Hudson Turn Yourself Into a Typing Hero!"By the time you finish this course, you will be able to confidently type all the letters, numbers and the most common symbols, with proper ten-finger touch typing technique. Although there is some use of interactive multimedia here, this course is minimalist in nature, purposely without many of the bells and whistles common...
Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 Tutorial

Microsoft powerpoint 2010 online tutorialWelcome to 3rd tutorial from Microsoft Office 2010 tutorials guide by This is an easy step by step guide about Microsoft Powerpoint 2010. Microsoft Powerpoint 2010 generally used for preparing and presenting animations presentations etc. Follow this easy tutorial, step by step guide about Microsoft Powerpoint...
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
How to Make Your Fonts Look Fancy in PowerPoint

I am just in love with the font options in PowerPoint! I used to do so many of these things in Photoshop, but doing it in PowerPoint makes it so much easier!This was a definite winner on the poll! For those of you who saw my previous tutorial on placing a pattern over your text, you can add these options on top of the pattern to make your font extra special! You can view that previous...
Back to School with No David!

My students always LOVE reading all of the No, David books by David Shannon, and I came up with a really fun activity for them to go along with the books... a puppet! Its the perfect activity to introduce classroom management at the beginning of the school year!I included 10 different writing options... perfect for all of the elementary grades:David’s Body – without any textDavid’s Body – with...
From Andragogy to Heutagogy
Link to article (By Stewart Hase and Chris Kenyon)"...This paper suggests there is benefit in moving from andragogy towards truly self-determined learning. The concept of truly self-determined learning, called heutagogy, builds on humanistic theory and approaches to learning described in the 1950s. It is suggested that heutagogy is appropriate to the needs of learners in the twenty-first century, particularly in the development of individual capability. A number of implications of heutagogy...
Corporate Learning Trends and Innovations Free Online Conference!

Corporate Learning: Trends and Innovations WHAT?Corporate Learning: Trends and Innovations is a FREE online conference, running from November 15-20, 2007. World renowned speakers will present live. It will provide a great opportunity for attendees (Corporate leaders, directors, CLOs, trainers, etc) to engage in dialog and discuss the directions and innovations in corporate learning through online...
Thursday, February 19, 2015
iPhone 5 View MockUp PSD
Free Download iPhone 5 PSD MockUp. This PSD mock-up follows the iPhone Front View Mock-Up. Enjoy!Type : PSDCategory : MockupsLicense : FreeAuthor : GraphicburgerDownl...
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
T Shirt Mockup PSD Template
Free Download T-Shirt Mockup Template PSD. This t-shirt mockup is an easy-to-edit PSD file. You can simply copy and paste your graphics via PS Smart Layers. Enjoy!Type : PSDCategory : MockupsLicense : FreeAuthor : WegraphicsDownl...
5 Facile Yet Incredibly Valuable Ways to Enhance ASP NET Developer’s Efficiency
The ASP .Net Development has arguably redefined and restructured the ambit of web application development. The new age capabilities of the platform created by Microsoft has features abound of developers to let them think out of the box and create something that paves way for innovation. Creating exclusive applications has become a prospect rather too realistic and as more number of developers and...
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Branding Stationery Mock Up PSD

Free Download Branding stationery PSD Mock-up. all objects & shadows are separated, changeable background and even 2 colors background, changeable color for the sides of the business cards. Enjoy!Type : PSDCategory : MockupsLicense : FreeAuthor : GraphicburgerDownl...
App Screen Showcase Mockup PSD

Free Download App Screen Showcase PSD Mockup. Perspective app screens mockup to showcase your app design in modern way. Enjoy!Type : PSDCategory : MockupsLicense : FreeAuthor : GraphberryDownl...

Info:Acoolsoft PPT to Video Pro is a professional PowerPoint to video converter which empowers you to easily convert PowerPoint to video in popular formats such as MPEG, AVI, MP4, WMV, 3GP, FLV and MOV. With only a few mouse clicks, you can convert your PowerPoint presentations to dynamic video with all transitions, animations, sounds, and movie clips retained.System requirements:Windows XP/2003/Vista/7...
Clean Resume PSD Template

Free Download PSD Clean Resume Template. 5 Colors (blue, brown, green, purple, red). Labeled and grouped layers. Enjoy!Type : PSDCategory : Print TemplatesLicense : FreeAuthor : ElemisfreebiesDownl...
Monday, February 16, 2015
C Tutorial www cprogramming com

c Tutor...
iPhone 5 PSD File
Free Download iPhone 5 PSD File. iPhone 5 in PSD format, front and back side of the newest iPhone. Enjoy!Type : PSDCategory : MockupsLicense : FreeAuthor : PsdgraphicsDownl...
Retro Business Card in Ai Format

Free Download Retro Business Card in Ai Format. Subtle typography and traced line details make this business card template unique. Enjoy!Type : PSDCategory : CardsLicense : FreeAuthor : PixedenDownl...
Sunday, February 15, 2015
PSD iPad Side View

Type : PSDCategory : MockupsLicense : FreeAuthor : 365psdDownl...
Free Creativio PSD Theme Website

Free Download PSD Theme Website. I have released all the PSD files from our newly launched Creativio WordPress Theme for you to freely download. Enjoy!Type : PSDCategory : Web TemplatesLicense : FreeAuthor : BestpsdfreebiesDownl...
The 5 biggest tech myths prevailing among common man

There are so many misunderstandings among common man about technology. If these misunderstandings are removed then it may help us to became more techno friendly. Some people think that computer monitor causes cancer. While some other think that there email account is password protected and it can not be hacked. But most of these things are false in techno world. In this post I am going to tell...
C program to calculate the factorial of an integer
#include<stdio.h>#include<conio.h>void main(){ long i,n,fac=1; clrscr(); //to clear the screen printf("Enter value of n:"); scanf("%ld",&n); for(i=n;i>=1;--i) fac*=i; printf("Factorial of %ld is %ld",n,fac); getch(); //to stop the scre...
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Iphone Flat PSD Design
Free Download PSD Iphone Flat Design. Heres a freebie psd of the flat Iphone icon Ive work on for fun. Enjoy!Type : PSDCategory : IconsLicense : FreeAuthor : DribbbleDownl...
Iphone 5S Hand Mockup PSD
Free Download Iphone 5S Mockup PSD. Heres the PSD for the iPhone 5S of an hand view. Enjoy!Type : PSDCategory : MockupsLicense : FreeAuthor : DribbbleDownl...
Friday, February 13, 2015
How Will Google Hummingbird Change SEO

Google officially announced its latest and greatest update in its algorithm since the Caffeine Update in 2010. The search algorithm is the system that the search engine machine uses in order to sort all the information it has out in order to provide you with an adequate response to your search. The new update is a clear indicator that Google makes quite confident attempts of becoming an integral...
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